On the StudyUnite home page, click "BECOME AN ONLINE TUTOR" in the page header. You will be redirected to the user application page, where the "Apply To Teach" form is displayed. The form includes the following fields:
- Email: Enter a valid email address for registration.
- Password: Create a strong password for your account.
Click "REGISTER WITH US"and the Tutor Registration page will open displaying the following tabs:
1. Personal Information
- First Name*: Review and edit your first name in the field provided. It is pre-filled based on your email address.
- Last Name: Enter your last name.
- Gender*: Choose your gender using the available radio buttons.
- Phone Code*: Select the correct phone code from the drop-down list.
- Contact Number*: Enter your phone number.
- Photo ID: Click "Choose File" to upload a valid photo ID, such as a passport, driver's license, or national ID, in the specified format.
Click Save to save the entered details. Once saved, click Next to move to the
next tab.
2. Photo & Description
To be easily identified on the platform, certain media upload options are
available while registering.
The following fields are displayed in this tab:
- Profile Picture*: Click "Upload" to upload a profile picture in the required format.
- Introduction Video: Paste the link to your YouTube video where you briefly introduce yourself, including your personal background, experience, and teaching skills.
- Description of Yourself: Provide a short paragraph detailing your experience, skills, and any additional information you'd like to share with learners on the platform.
Click Save to save the details and click Next to move to the next tab.
3. Subjects
To complete your registration, it's essential to provide information about your preferred teaching subjects. Please select the following details:
- Subject I am able to teach: Choose one or more subjects you wish to teach from the available list on the platform.
- Language in which I can conduct the lesson: Select one or more languages in which the lessons will be conducted from the provided list. Once you’ve chosen a language, select your fluency level from the available options.
Click Save to save the selected subjects and languages. Once saved, click Next to
move to the next tab.
4. DAC7 Form
For this section, please fill in 'N/A' for each field. Only fill in the neccessary information if you are a European Tax Resident.
Click Save to save the details and click Next to move to the next tab.
5. Resume
Add your qualifications and experience details from the Resume tab.
Click Add Resume to open the Add Your Experience window form. Enter the
work experience or educational qualification-related details in the following
- Experience Type*
- Title*
- University*
- Degree Obtained*
- Location*
- Description
- Start Year*
- End Year*
- Upload Certificate
Click Save Changes to save the details.
Click Add Resume from the upper right corner of the section to add more
qualifications or work experience details.
The new experiences are displayed in
the form of a list and the following action buttons are provided with them:
- Edit : Click the edit icon button to open the Edit Your Experience window
form. Make the required changes in the provided fields and click Save Changes.
- Delete: Click the delete icon button and follow the prompts to remove an
Once all the experience details are added, accept the Teacher Approval Terms
and Conditions by selecting the provided checkbox.
Click Save to save the
details and click Next to move to the next tab.
6. Confirmation
This page will display a confirmation of your teacher application submission along with your application reference number. Your registration request has been forwarded to the admin for approval. You will be notified via your registered email once your request is approved.