You can set up the times when you're available for sessions through the Availability Calendar module. To complete your profile and get listed on the system's front-end to start receiving bookings, setting up your availability is a mandatory step.
There are two ways of managing your availability, General Availability andWeekly Availability.
a. General Availability
You can manage and update your day-wise availability through the General tab. This section displays a half-hourly calendar for each day of the week, allowing you to set your availability accordingly.
General availability applies universally to all weeks unless specific availability is set for a particular week through the Weekly Availability tab.
b. Weekly Availability
Set up your date-wise availability through the Weekly tab. The tab displays the dates in a weekly format. The general availability saved in the previous tab is also reflected here. Use the arrow buttons provided at the top right of the calendar section to access different weeks. Select the availability for a specific date in a week through hold and stretch action or click the delete icon button to remove a selected time slot.

Click Save to save the weekly availability. If both general and weekly availability are specified, the system will override the weekly availability over the general availability for that day. This means that the learners will view the time slots according to the weekly availability selected by you.
If you update your timezone in the Personal Info section under Account Settings, your general and weekly availability will be reset. Please revisit this module to update your availability accordingly.