Once you've completed all your account and availability settings, your teacher profile will be listed on the system's front-end for learners to discover. Learners will be able to view your preferences, expertise, and book lessons based on your available time slots. Booked lessons will be displayed in the Lessons module under various tabs.
At the top of the Manage Lessons page, you'll find a lesson countdown section that displays the date, time, and learner details for your upcoming lesson. When the scheduled time arrives, just click "Enter Classroom" to begin the lesson.
The lessons are classified into five modular tabs according to their current status. Access these tabs from the top navigation on the Manage Lessonspage:
- All Lessons / Unscheduled / Scheduled / Completed / Pending / Cancelled
On the All Lessons modular tab, all the booked lessons, canceled lessons, and free trials are displayed.
Scheduled: Shows the lessons that have been booked and scheduled by learners.
Unscheduled: This tab displays lessons that have been booked but have not yet been scheduled by the learners.
Completed: Displays the lessons that have been successfully delivered and are marked as complete.
Pending / Cancelled: Shows the lessons that have been booked but are now cancelled. This includes lessons cancelled by either you or the learners.
The following functionalities are available on this page:
I. Search
A search bar is provided at the top of this page to perform a focused search using the following filters:
- Keyword: Search by entering the name of the learner as a keyword.
- Subject Interest: To perform a subject-specific search, select a subject from the drop down list.
- Service Type: To perform a service Type specific search, select the service type.
- Lesson Start Date: Select a date from the calendar drop down to display the lessons starting on or after this date.
- Lesson End Date: Select a date from the calendar drop down to display the lessons ending on or before this date.
Click Search to generate the filtered list. Once the search is complete, clickClear to display the whole of the lessons list again.
II. Display View
There are two types of display available to view your lessons, List view andCalendar view. By default, all the modular tabs on the Manage Lessons page are displayed in the list format. The following two buttons are provided on the upper right corner to access each view:
i. Listing
Select Listing to display the lessons in the form of a list. The list is displayed in chronological order. On the All Lessons tab, the unscheduled lessons are displayed at the top, followed by scheduled lessons, and the canceled lessons are displayed at the end.
ii. Calendar
Select Calendar to display the month-wise calendar marked with the scheduled lessons for the month.
a. Attach Lesson Plan
Click Attach Lesson Plan provided with every lesson and the Attach Lessons Plans window is displayed on the screen.
If you have already added the lesson plans from the Lesson Plan module, the added plans are listed in this window.
Click the assign plan icon button to assign a lesson plan to the lesson.
Click Search from the upper right corner of the window to search for a specific plan using the following filters:
● Keyword: Enter the plan title or description as a keyword.
● Level: Select the level for the lesson plan from the drop down list.
Click Search to generate the search results.
Click Clear to display the complete list again. ii. If you don’t already have any lesson plans added, the Manage Lesson Planswindow prompts you to add one.
Click Add Plan and you will be redirected to the Manage Lesson Plans page where you can add new lesson plans.
b. Enter Classroom
When the time of the lesson arrives, click the enter classroom icon button to start the lesson. You will be redirected to the lesson page where you can conduct your session.
c. Cancel Lesson
To cancel a booked lesson, click the cancel icon button provided with the lesson. The Cancel Lesson window appears on the screen.
Enter the cancellation reasons or related comments in the mandatory Comments field and click Submit to proceed with the cancellation. The whole lesson fee is refunded to the learners. The canceled lessons are displayed at the end of the list on the All Lessons tab.
The admin sets a specific time frame in which a lesson can be canceled. After this period, the option to cancel the lesson will no longer be available, and the cancel button will not be displayed.
d. Reschedule Lesson
To request the learners to reschedule a scheduled lesson to another time, click the reschedule icon button provided with the lesson. The Request Reschedule window will appear on the screen.
Enter the reason for requesting reschedule in the Reschedule Reasonmandatory field and click Confirm It!. The requested lesson is updated as unscheduled for both you and the learner. The lesson is then rescheduled by the learner for another time from their learner dashboard.
The admin sets a time limit for rescheduling a lesson. After this period, the option to reschedule the lesson will no longer be available, and the reschedule button will not be displayed.
For unscheduled lessons, the reschedule option is not available, so the reschedule icon will not be displayed.
e. Issue
Once a lesson has ended, learners have the option to report any issues or discrepancies they experienced with the teacher during the session.
To view the details of the reported issue, click the issue icon, which will open the Issue Details window, displaying all the relevant information about the lesson and the reported problem.
This icon will only appear for lessons where a learner has submitted an issue report.