You can view all your placed orders in the My Orders module. This page displays a list of all your orders to date, with the most recent order appearing at the top. The list is shared across both your teacher and learner profiles and includes details for each order.
- Order ID: Displays the unique order identifier. Click the drop-down arrow icon
button to display the order details section. View the order details, order type, order items details and payment history from this section.
- Type: Displays the type of order placed, such as, Group Class, Courses, Class
Packages, Lesson, Wallet Recharge, Gift Card or Discount Coupons.
- Items: Displays the number of items in a particular order.
- Total: Displays the order total value.
- Discount: Displays the discount availed on an order.
- Net Amount: Displays the net total value of the order calculated as, Total -
- Pay Method: Displays the method of payment used for the order. When Bank
Transfer payment method is used, a Submit Details link is provided here to
submit the transaction details for admin’s approval. Click the link to open the Payment Details page and enter the transaction credentials in the provided
- Payment: Displays the current status of payment as, Is Paid or Unpaid.
- Status: Displays the current status of the order.
- Date and Time: Displays the date and time of placing the order.